Sunday, March 04, 2007

Week In Review

This week, I played a few more games of Memoir ’44 at work, as we’re slowly working out way through all of the scenarios. I’m definitely learning how to play the game better. Instead developing a strategy and then seeing how I can pull it off with the cards in my hand (an endeavor that often ends in frustration), I’m focusing more on what sort of strategy I can formulate with the cards I have. I think I first stumbled on this idea when I was playing Combat Commander at OrcCon, but it applies equally well to Memoir. I’m not entirely certain that it’s effective, but it’s certainly less stressful. I also finished another online game of Hacienda, and I’ve concluded that I do prefer it with four players. Five is a little too tight for my tastes.

Today we got together with a small crew to do a little board gaming and eat some sushi. There was more sushi eating than gaming, but we did fit in a quick game of Betrayal at House on the Hill and an even quicker game of Metro. I’ve confirmed my feelings about the former: it’s a perfectly good atmospheric game so long as no one takes it too seriously. The latter has quickly become one of my favorite fillers, as it plays really well with a wide range of player numbers (two to six) and it moves right along. For some reason, it just works for me.


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